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Saturday, 30 January 2016
These Questions Get You The Job Interview

These Questions Get You The Job Interview

A job interview actually consists only of three questions.

  • Can you do the job?
  • Do you love this job?
  • Do we like to work with you?

All the questions you get on an interview is a variation of these three questions. It writes the American, George Bradt in his blog on the website of Forbes.

In other words; it's about your strengths, your motivation, and if you fit into the company.

Your Forces:

Regarding forces, is clarified Bradt that it is not just about technical strengths, but just as much about leadership and interpersonal qualities.

What technical skills you have, can employers like to read in your CV, therefore they are more interested in hearing about concrete experiences. Both in terms of projects you've had success with, and projects that have not gone as well - to hear how you reflect on your own experiences.

Your Motivation:

Young workers are not only interested in getting paid to work hard, they will work hard because they like the work environment, and challenge their job gives them. Employers who can offer a good environment and intriguing puzzles, will also get better staff.

These Questions Get You The Job Interview
These Questions Get You The Job Interview

What motivates you should match the tasks and the environment employer can offer you.

Fits you in your job?

The last point is about whether you fit into the workplace, simply on the other will like to work with you. One of the problems in this context may be that workplace culture is not adequately presented to workers in the recruitment process. If you do not know the culture, small missteps have major consequences over time.

How To Prepare?

Consider examples that illustrate your strengths and what motivates you to work in this particular business. George Bradt memories conclusion that a job interview is about selling a solution. It's not just about you.

To watch the interview as an opportunity to show your ability to resolve corporate issues. Therefore you should inform your strengths against your company's immediate needs, and tell why you are motivated by these challenges, as well as deepen why you can fit into the corporate culture. Suppose you actually fit, of course.
Monday, 25 January 2016
10 Useful Tips For Successful Job Interview

10 Useful Tips For Successful Job Interview

Job interview is not something we are going in every day. Are you nervous and unsure of what will happen? 

Here are some tips that may help.

Remember that when you have come so far as to interview, so you are usually qualified for the job.

  1. Be yourself, and be honest.
  2. Do not be too concerned about how nervous you are, nervousness is natural.
  3. Try to listen attentively to the interviewer, and ask if there are questions you do not understand.
  4. Clearly show that you are genuinely interested in the job and highlighting your qualifications without boast or exaggerate.
  5. Avoid denigrate former employers and do not be provoked.
  6. Have eye contact with all interviewers and focus your attention on the person who asked the question.
  7. Have gladly CV, application and job advert before you during the interview. It provides good help along the way and show that you are an applicant who has prepared you well.
  8. Always keep copies of certificates, even if you put these with your application.
  9. Have gladly a list of references with which you give to interviewers.
  10. Find out the dress code in the firm applying for a job and dress for it. If you are unsure, dress neutral. It is better to dress up a little too neatly, than a little too casual. 
10 Useful Tips For Successful Job Interview
10 Useful Tips For Successful Job Interview

Interview: The questions you never escapes:

We have already highlighted the notorious strong / weak points issue. Now it's time to look at two other most frequently asked questions during the job interview.

Who has not received any of the following questions: Why did you leave your previous position? Do you have any questions?

1. Why did you leave your previous position?

Maybe you stopped because you did not get along with the boss, not like work colleagues, was upset your job or earned for bad. This is not the right answer to the question. The risk is that you are perceived as a difficult person who does not see opportunities, only problems, no matter how justified your discontent is.
Instead, try giving a future-oriented positive answer, where you put yourself in the center. Say for example that you left because you wanted to zero in on another line, or wanted to apply your knowledge in marketing, programming, etc., Or would work less with numbers and more with people.

2. Do you have any questions?

Do not answer no to this question! Make a list of at least 10 questions you can take with you to the interview. La questions primarily circulate around your role in the company and the business, not about what benefits you can get. The questions may vary depending on who is interviewing you:

  • Hitting a recruiter, ask about the job, the tasks and challenges that await you.
  • Personnel Manager can tell you more about the company and "your" department.
  • Are you talking with bosses, ask about the company's future projects and about the industry. With the right questions, you can show off a bit with your industry.

Of course you should also ask about salary and benefits, but choose the right time. Take the issues of jobs and business first. When you reach the second interview or get a concrete offer you can talk about benefits.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Have You Thought About How Others Perceive Your Body Language?

Have You Thought About How Others Perceive Your Body Language?

It does not help what the words say - your body is always right. Learn to gain control of your body language. Body language has existed as long as there have been people on earth. It is often forgotten, but is part of our everyday speech and as important as it uttered words.

Put simply, your body language all that we say, minus the words: There are gestures, posture, gaze, vocalization, attire, pace of conversation and much, much more.

Body language is not unproblematic. Who has not experienced blush in a conversation at completely the wrong time, or the sweat runs during a presentation for class? There are parts of this communication that can be controlled, and parts that can not be it. We have looked closely at what this entails.

Human Culture:

Body language was early research field, and Aristotle was among the first to identify similarities in body language of animals and humans. Parts of the body language is universally namely: For example, it means a broad smile to someone you admire, the same in Bangkok as in Lima.

Cultural sociologist Charles Darwin has meant a lot of body language research, which paved the way for the 1900s combination of research theories. Now the body language part of both psychology, linguistics, anthropology, ethology and rhetoric.

It Forgot Language:

Ingunn Hagen's courses and lectures in body language and communication and has also written the article "An outside perspective - Instructions on body language". She believes that many have forgotten the meaning of the body.

It is primarily you who know what your body expresses in different situations. Many have forgotten what it is to listen to the information that the body provides.

Have You Thought About How Others Perceive Your Body Language?
Have You Thought About How Others Perceive Your Body Language?

At worst, it can lead to serious misunderstandings, says Hagen.

Everyone has experienced it, and we call it double communication. A conflict occurs when the body says one thing and your mouth otherwise. For example, you could be in a conversation where the person says he has plenty of time, but constantly looking at the clock. Some may say that they love you, but you do not think about it when receiving terminal.

"Just think about what you do when you are penetrated with strangers"


✔ Consider: Who will I meet? What impression will they have of me?

✔ Be aware of how you greet, and a firm handshake, but do not bone crusher

✔ Search eye contact, but never stare

✔ Make use of the voice.

✔ Tempo. Tune yourself into. If you meet speaks furiously and you are very slow or reverse, they are more concerned about the way you talk than what you say

✔ Think about your posture when sitting: Forward or backward leaning?

✔ Be aware of your own nervous movements and decide what to do with them or how you want to move them.

Took Control:

Many situations require that you have a good body language. Going to a job interview, it can not say, just as important as what you actually say. Nursing student Katja Søyland (26), has just completed an interview round where precisely the non-verbal communication was important.

I was terribly nervous beforehand, but tried as much as possible to prepare myself for how I would appear. For me it was important to radiate confidence, positivity and enthusiasm.

How did you go?

I Think it's important to showcase how one actually is. Job Interview Questions are often quite "classical", and then your body language be something that helps to stand out in the crowd. I tried to think through everything from how I sat on the chair, to start with a firm handshake and make eye contact. If I were hired someone, I would have at least thought about what kind person type I chose, and then would the body language is an important part of the overall impression.

Following Emotions:

The body's signs follow the state of mind: When one is in love, one is actually weak in the knees. Are you heavily depressed, it is very difficult to walk with a straight back. These are things no one can control. The world-renowned psychologist Paul Ekman talks about seven core emotions that are triggered by the autonomic nervous system, and these feelings proves the same muscle contractions in brief glimpses in every human face: anger, contempt, fear / terror, joy, surprise, disgust and sadness .

A number of them can, however, attempt to control, says Ingunn Hagen.

It is important to emphasize that all body language interpretation must always into context. Moods,
BETTER BODY LANGUAGE: - Many people have forgotten what it is to listen
to the information that the body provides a said courses
and lectures in body language and communication, Ingunn Hagen.
expectations, inner feelings and surroundings affect your body language. Just think about what you do with your body when you are penetrated with strangers.

How do you get a better body language?

The emotions affect the body, but you can also affect the emotions by working with the body and become familiar with it. To have a better body language is something anyone can learn either through training or self-awareness and reflection. It applies to ponder: How does this situation me? Why do I react as I do? What is it that makes me feel comfortable in the company of some, while I feel uncomfortable with others? I think the body gives signals about things happening around us, and we must become better at observing our own body and think about what this means for communication.

How has the body language changed?

Body language is constantly evolving. Just two generations ago it was not as common that men hugged. In our culture, for example, become more and more common to "give thumbs up" and the peace sign is an example of body language that became popular in the 60s, explains Hagen.

The newly hired nursing student Kajta Søyland believe that body language is something we have become more conscious of our culture and that it is crucial in situations where it involves obtaining control.

I think really that many people are quite aware of it; it's like a little part of the "package". Although I'm probably incredibly easy to read, but in a job interview situation, I tried to radiate the characteristics that position called for. I was terribly nervous, but I got the job in the end.

                  THIS COULD YOU THINK ABOUT:

Among all languages ​​in the world can body language appear to be one and common to all mankind. Therefore, it is also so important that you master it.

Eye contact. Do not hide yourself but attract attention with their eyes. By seeking eye contact right away, we say three things that can not be expressed in words; 1) "I'm not afraid of you," 2) "I will be in touch with you," and 3) "I am completely open and honest with you." The latter is not entirely true, but it's nice to give that impression.

✔   Facial expressions. Are you serious, uneasy or stressed, the feeling will rub off on others. A smile makes people relax and open up, but the smile must not be ingratiating and mechanically. Smiling man while saying something serious, people can quickly become unsafe and irritated.

✔   Arms and hands. We use your hands to explain and underline, or to express emotions. Hands attracts therefore quick attention. Where do I have them? Does it artificially like? I see energetic or stupid when I waved them? This depends on the situation. But remember, all at body language should appear spontaneously and naturally. And avoid having his arms crossed - it can be perceived closed or quarrelsome.

✔   Gestures. Here, too, suffer many of their hands. Give them something to hold. This can give a sense of security, but not take the opportunity to fiddle. It's about getting to know their gestures, and hold them in check. Something will always be, and you can only hope that they are charming and not annoying.

✔   Sitting position. To sit reclined may be a sign of high self-esteem, but it can be too much. It's better to lean slightly forward to signal that you are keen. The ideal is of course a balance between confident, and to show that you are awake.

Attitude. You can get hurt in order to be perceived as arrogant and presumptuous - or as cowed and pessimistic - only as a result of small details at the shoulders or back. Then it does not know what the words say, the body is right. Sync not together, but its not on needles. Practice in front of the mirror ..
9 Things You Must Not Do The Job Interview

9 Things You Must Not Do The Job Interview

If you notice that the job interview ends after 15 minutes, you may have been in one of these traps. When you arrive at a job interview will Riiser that you prepare well and do not do any of these things:

1. Getting too late and show up unprepared:

The first and biggest mistake you can make in a job interview is to be late. Are you far away and see that time is short, call or send a message to them to interview with. Sorry you're late and tell them when you expect to be present.

2. Dress inappropriate:

I have experienced examples where girls come for a job interview with extreme decolletage. You will not be academic if you dress inappropriately. Be clean and neat, tells Riiser.
Should you be unsure outfit for a job interview, advises Riiser you to take a tour of the workplace. Stand outside office building to see what people who come out wearing. In this way you get a small indication of how they dress. It's not okay to come in shorts if all goes to suit, says Riiser.

3. Lie:

People who lie and brag about themselves, there is no people who love. Lie is discovered before or since. Not trappings of your resume and not the trappings of what you tell in the interview.

4. Do not turn off your mobile phone:

To answer a mobile phone call in the middle of an interview is unfavorable. A tip is not to just put your mobile on silent, but to turn off the vibration as well.

9 Things You Must Not Do The Job Interview
9 Things You Must Not Do The Job Interview

It's annoying to hear a mobile vibrate in your bag. Those interviews and will fight stress as they try to turn off cell phones, impress employers, says Riiser.

5. Speak constantly to avoid unpleasant questions:

If you think it's advantageous to talk much on a job interview, you're wrong. Those who will be interviewing you have a plan they are going through. If you use the time to converse with almost uninterrupted to avoid unpleasant questions, sitting employer left with very little idea of ​​you as a person. You will not be considered on an equal footing with the others. It is allowed to breathe and think before you give an answer.

6. Answer all questions with yes or no answers:

Can an employer only yes or no answers without elaboration or examples of what you've done, they know little about who you are when interview is over. It is your responsibility to give good examples of things you've done before so that those who want to hire you know more when the interview is finished.

7. Do not listen to the questions, but concentrate on what to say about yourself:

Sitting man and memorize it one should say though, one gets not what you asked about. Turn off the brain activity and listen to what you are asked, and then turn on again. Listen.

8. Speak ill of colleagues and former bosses:

Do this, sitting employer with a suspicion that this could happen again, and that there may be those you the necks next time you are in an interview. You are allowed to be dissatisfied with previous employers, but not talking about it for a job interview.

9. Bring Mom or Dad interview:

It matters extremely negatively if mom or dad is with you for a job interview, even if they are just sitting outside and waiting. Should parents take you for an interview, ask them to sit in the car or ask them to do something else in the meantime.

Riiser have actually experienced the interview candidates have included parents for a job interview.
We have experienced that parents sitting outside and waiting. They sit outside and read the newspaper, trying to look important out and says that they are only included to make sure that you are driven to and from said Riiser.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Bad Sign For The Job Interview

Bad Sign For The Job Interview

If you recognize these bad signs for a job interview, you might want to move on and look for other opportunities.

You've been on a job interview and have come on to the second and third round. Everything has gone very well, and it only remains to wait for feedback. It runs one week, two weeks and despite that you follow up with a phone, there is still no answer.

How do we deal with this situation? When to realize that one does not have the job?
Marie Burns is recruiting manager at the American web marketing company In a blog post for the website The Daily Muse she shares her experiences in which she summarizes the signs of either should look further for other jobs.

They move constantly interviewing Agreement:

If one or maybe two interviews are moved through an entire interview process, so is not very unusual. But if they ever need to change agreements with vague excuses can be a red flag. It can signal that to fill the position is not so important for the company. There may also be an indication that they have no respect for your time, which is anyway not good.

They do not know when they will make a decision:

If no one can tell you when to start the job, this questionable behavior. If the position is important, and they are looking to fill it soon, someone will tell you about the timeline for the hiring decision and start date during the interview process. If they do not, or dodges the question when you ask, it is definitely an indication that there is no urgency from their side. 

Full stop:

You will be prompted to ask for an interview immediately, and then you will be called for a second round within the next few days. If the process then stops altogether, what to think then? It could mean that the company interviews other candidates, that you do not meet all the requirements, or that they are searching for a "better". This is anyway not a good sign.

Bad Sign For The Job Interview
Bad Sign For The Job Interview

They did not call at the agreed time:

If the recruiter does not contact you at the agreed time, it shows a lack of respect for you and your time. If they really want you to position, they will make sure to keep in touch as agreed, or at least send an email and speak out about any delays.

You do not hear back within a week:

If it's been over a week without you heard something, it does not mean as much. People may after all be concerned. But if you have followed up with an email or phone call and it does not, it is most likely a sign that it's time to move on.
Practice Good On This Answer Jobs Interview

Practice Good On This Answer Jobs Interview

Author and longstanding recruitment manager Lou Adler spent ten years trying to find the one question that all the job interview could revolve around.

During his 30 years in the recruitment industry has American Lou Adler become a renowned career expert, and he stands behind the best-selling book "Hire With Your Head."

Recently he also published the book "The Essential Guide to Hiring & Getting Hired», where he reviews his quest for the best interview question. After 10 years of trial and error, he developed one question that was worthy title:

"What project or specific task would you consider as the most significant achievement in your career so far?"
To see why this simple question is so effective, you must put yourself into the role of job search, and imagine that you have just been asked this question. What achievement would you chosen to highlight? Now imagine that over the next 15 to 20 minutes would interviewer dug deeper and set up follow-up questions below. 

Practice Good On This Answer Jobs Interview
Practice Good On This Answer Jobs Interview

How would you respond?

  • Can you give me a detailed overview of the implementation?
  • Tell me about the company, title, position and role you had, and the others involved.
  • What were the results you obtained?
  • When was that and how long did the project?
  • Why you were selected?
  • What were the three or four greatest challenges and how you handled them?
  • Where were you willing to push yourself that little bit extra or take the initiative to get a good result?
  • Explain the work plan you had, how you relate to it, and whether it was successful.
  • Describe the environment you worked in and the resources you had.
  • Describe the leader's style and whether you liked it or not.
  • Describe the technical skills you needed to reach the target and how they were used.
  • Tell us about some of the biggest mistakes you made.
  • Which parts of the project did you like best?
  • Which parts of the project did not you care and how you handled them?
  • How directed and influenced others? Use several examples.
  • How you were led, trained and influenced by others? Use several examples.
  • How did this you and how did you grow as a person?
  • What would you do differently if you could do it over again?
  • What formal recognition did you receive?

If this question succession could be related to a previous project or task, and if your answers were detailed enough that it took 15-20 minutes to complete: Think about how much the interviewer came to know about your ability to handle the job! You will be surprised how much you have revealed about yourself and your abilities.
Do Not Let Bad Marks Ruin Job Opportunities

Do Not Let Bad Marks Ruin Job Opportunities

To be confronted with a poor testimony during the job interview need not be nail in the coffin. Read jobseeker-expert's advice on how to proceed.

To ask for a job interview can arouse fear in most of us. The idea that they pose as a target for critical gaze and probing comments are enough to make many dramatizes what might be available to the weaker sides in the application and their CV.

Whether you have the high school or higher education, grade level which is a concern for many. One can quickly imagine the interviewer intends to employ it with the best references from work and school, but it need not be the case.

Debra Wheatman is a recognized expert in job search techniques. She has written a post where she explains how one approaches a job interview if one is confronted with weak characters. Here's an excerpt that can soothe you before the job interview.

You are still current:

Do not let your self-esteem get a kink although the bad characters are taken up as a theme. You would not have been invited for an interview if they thought this disqualified you for the position. Interviewers often have one or more tough questions to see how you react. The purpose of this is to see if you lets you tilt the stick or whether you are able to come up with arguments to show that you are suitable for the job. The way you defend the low rate cut on can give the interviewer insight into how you will work in a job situation.

Have a plan B:

It is important to have a backup plan if the interview takes an unexpected turn. If a low grade point averages is your Achilles heel should prepare a plan for how to cope with being confronted with this. It is equally important to know what to say about your weaknesses as your strengths. Look critically at your own resume and cover letter and makes you aware of what can be considered weak point. Then you can create a plan for how you will deal with issues surrounding these under job interview.

Do Not Let Bad Marks Ruin Job Opportunities
Do Not Let Bad Marks Ruin Job Opportunities

Sell ​​your strengths:

Although it is important to explain its weaknesses, it is also important not to dwell on the topic. Focus instead on your strengths. It does not matter if you are competing with other candidates who have better grades, they may have other weaknesses that you have not. What is it that makes you a good candidate? Did you have a relevant part-time job or summer job while studying? Can you show the great testimonials? Have you had any voluntary associations or active in a student organization? Sell ​​it in return for grade level.

Give valid reasons:

You must expect to have to provide a valid reason for poor grades. Maybe it was some subjects that pulled down the cut? For example, have poor grades in subjects that are not a relevant part of the job you are applying for, it may be worth emphasizing. But remember that you must then be able to show better grades in subjects that are actually relevant.

Remember this:

In brief, one can not let a single issue or a single question destroy the rest of the interview. Evaluate yourself and prepare arguments for why you are the strongest candidate. Introduce a nuanced picture of who you are and what qualities and values ​​you bring yourself into position. If you manage to communicate this will go better than you might fear!
This Increases Your Chances Of 162 Percent Jobs

This Increases Your Chances Of 162 Percent Jobs

It does not have to face a job interview with a submissive attitude. A proper mindset can be crucial to whether you get the job, new research shows.

If one were described feelings you know on the one sits down to be grilled in a job interview, will probably few people use words like power, impact and influence. Although one really knows more on the elements of anxiety, low self-esteem and powerlessness, it might be smart to at least think that they are in a position of power.

David Dubois, Assistant Professor of Marketing at INSEAD Business School, believes this can be crucial if you end up getting the job.

In the research project "Power gets the job: Priming power improves interview outcomes" has Dubois and colleagues tested whether it is possible to manipulate the mindset so that you go into a job interview with a sense of more power than they would otherwise have done, writes INSEAD Knowledge.

The project divided the students into three groups. One group was asked to write an essay about an episode where they had much power. Another group would write about an incident where they were powerless, and the third group wrote nothing.

This Increases Your Chances Of 162 Percent Jobs
This Increases Your Chances Of 162 Percent Jobs

After the essay was written were the candidates were sent straight into a recording interview to a business school. 47.1 percent of students were accepted by the school. Among those who had first written an essay that they had power, was 68 per cent accepted. Among those who had written an essay about powerlessness, it was 26 percent who entered. The interviewers were not aware that this experiment was in progress, and can therefore be regarded as neutral participants.

The conclusion was that one can increase the likelihood of making a successful interview by 81 percent - simply by "program" right mindset ahead. If you compare them to psych themselves out by thinking negatively before the interview, one can increase the success rate of 162 percent.

Next time you go to a job interview - remember to think positively, and set up the right mindset before you meet your future employer. One possibility would also be to write down a similar essay the day before the job interview, and then read through it while sitting and waiting to be called in.

Good luck!

Payment Remarks Can Trap You In The Job Hunt

Payment Remarks Can Trap You In The Job Hunt

Even if you refer to a quality education and top grades, and thus is likely to make you your dream job, you risk being dismissed in the application because of old sins. Headhunter Trine Larsen in recruitment firm Hammer & Hanborg says that many employers are investigating whether potential job candidates have registered payment defaults, and that this could mean the nail in the coffin.

When a prospective employer finds out that you do not have control of their own finances, it may mean that you do not get the job. It's no wonder - in some positions you can have access to spend money on behalf of the company, and they are naturally not interested in handing your wallet to someone who has a checkered past on the economic front, says Larsen Nettavisen NA24.

Deviations in 25 percent of the checks:

Larsen now choosing to encourage today's youth to keep track of their personal finances by what she believes is a growing pressure on especially young to incur credit.

Young, and also the elderly, are faced with advertisements for credit cards and credit in all channels. On Gardermoen shines large posters that beckon with credit cards tailored to vacationers and online advertising countless companies for credit cards, she says.

She explains to NA24 that it becomes increasingly common for recruiters and employers perform what is called extended reference control for those searching for top positions.

It means simply that we quality checks CV and including the credit yours. Then a defaulted tullelån SMS turn out. Then the new mobile phone you just had to have, or the coffee cups you buy on credit become very expensive for you, says Larsen.

Payment Remarks Can Trap You In The Job Hunt
Payment Remarks Can Trap You In The Job Hunt

She emphasizes that they do not check anyone seeking work, and they've also not allowed. But the checks candidate nominated as number one in positions where appropriate.

Also Robert Leite in Meditor Search says that background checks with credit checks are becoming more common in the Norwegian labor market. Their most extensive check involves verification of the certificate, CV, credit and debt, certificates, work experience, web search with social media, conduct and references. According to Leite discovers the fraud and discrepancies throughout 25 percent of the missions.

On several occasions, the results of the credit check has been decisive for the further process. But remember that credit check is only one of many elements of a thorough background check, but it scales much if the vacancy terms have financial responsibility and expanded mandate, he says to NA24.
Now There Will Be An End To The Silly Questions In A Job Interview

Now There Will Be An End To The Silly Questions In A Job Interview

Google admits that the much talked about interview their questions were completely useless for finding good job candidates.

Now you can stop calculating the number of times the clock hands overlap during a day. As Career Start previously written, Google is known for using unconventional and strange questions in job interviews their. This will however be a stop on.

Google's senior vice president of staffing, Laszlo Bock, has now admitted that the goofy questions proved to be a poor indicator of who would be a good employee.

We came to the conclusion that these questions were a waste of time. They indicate nothing. They are not good for much else than to let the interviewer feel smart, he tells New York Times.

Now There Will Be An End To The Silly Questions In A Job Interview
Now There Will Be An End To The Silly Questions In A Job Interview

Bock explains that Google now uses more traditional methods of interviewing potential employees. He believes it will cause the candidates will be evaluated on a more equitable basis. They now want to focus on proven methods, such as asking candidates to describe how solved a difficult problem in their last job.

Some examples of questions they have used before:

  1. Why are manhole covers round?
  2. How many piano tuners are there in the world?
  3. You are shrunk to the size of a coin and gets thrown in a blender. The leaves begin to spin about 60 seconds. What are you doing?
  4. How much you would have had to pay to wash all the windows in Seattle?
  5. By only using a four-minute hourglass and a seven-minute hourglass, how would you measured exactly nine minutes, without spending more than nine minutes on the task?
  6. How would you put an evacuation plan for San Francisco?
  7. What is the next number in this pattern? 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66.
  8.  A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?
  9.  How many times a day overlaps the hands on a clock?
Monday, 4 January 2016
How To Cope With The Different Interview Forms

How To Cope With The Different Interview Forms

A job interview can be implemented in many forms and situations, and all require different preparations. Here you can read more about the eight different procedures.

When one envisions a job interview, will probably most imagine a scenario where one sits in front of a desk, face-to-face with a potential employer. But the reality is that the job interview can be conducted in many shapes and situations.

The most common is probably still being privately with the interviewer, but it is also not uncommon to have to respond to multiple people simultaneously. You can also get served a specific task you need to solve, you may be invited to lunch or you may be prompted to log on Skype to interview via webcam.

Read about these eight interview types and find out how you should prepare.

1. The traditional interview:

It is this scenario you will encounter most often: You sit down with an interviewer and answer a series of questions designed to find out whether you are a good candidate for the job. Here there are potentially many kinds of questions one can get, and it's wise to prepare good answers that may be relevant to the position you have applied for. Here are 80 questions you can get during the job interview

2. Telephone interview:

A job interview is going on via the telephone is usually only the first screening round where they will find out about it at all is worth calling you into a personal interview. Even more important is to be prepared for this. Prepare just like you would for a personal interview, with some important adjustments. This is also an alternative that is often used when you apply job over greater distances. Find tips for telephone interview here

3. Video interview:

Video Interviews via Skype takes telephone interview to the next level, and they have become a regular part of the hiring process for many companies. Here there are potentially several things to consider, such as choosing the right background, remove disruptive and perhaps inappropriate items from the screen, how to take you out, not to mention that the technical equipment your work properly. You can read how to succeed with video interview

How To Cope With The Different Interview Forms
How To Cope With The Different Interview Forms

4. Career Fairs:

If you are attending career fairs as part of the job hunt, you should be ready for impromptu interviews. Where you get only 10 or 15 minutes to sell yourself to the recruiter. How you handle this might be crucial to whether you will be invited for a more in-depth interview. Read more about how to get the most out of job fairs here

5. "Google" -intervjuet:

Google and several of the largest international companies have been known to take advantage of some unconventional questions, such as: "How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 14.30 on a Friday?" It may seem somewhat strange and irrelevant, but the interviewer is not really particularly interested in the correct answer. The aim of such questions is rather to see how you handle unforeseen issues and how you choose to reason their way to a solution. Read more about such questions here

6. Personality Test:

Personality tests are used to identify what type you are, and what style of work you have. For example, the tests indicate whether you like to work with others, whether you are empathetic, democratic and trusting. The results will form a basis for further discussion, where one can discuss the results with the employer. This is a controversial method, and are therefore not particularly widespread. Read more about personality tests in the job interview here

7. Group interview:

Group interviews are not the most common interview method, but you could run into them in connection with sales jobs, internships or other positions where they should hire more people to the same type of position. How you stand out to capture the interest of the recruiter? It requires some agility and a thoughtful strategy. Find more advice to group interview here

8. Recruitment dinner:

If a potential employer invites you on lunch or dinner, it's a good sign. Usually it means that they want to learn a little more about you and how you act outside the office. Then it is important to be aware of how to showcase your best professional qualities - while you remember the social truisms and proper etiquette. Read more about the success of recruitment dinner here
80 Questions You Can Get During The Job Interview

80 Questions You Can Get During The Job Interview

It pays to prepare answers to the questions you can expect to receive during the job interview. Here is a list of 80 of the most common questions.

The job interview consists of a series of questions that can be used across various industries. Here we have collected the most common so you can set the best prepared for the interview.

Making a good impression of themselves on the job interview is important to outperform other eligible applicants. But how do you know what your employer will ask you about? Our Company has collected a number of well-worn question that most employers take advantage of, and categorized the four different departments; education, career, personal questions and questions about the company / position.

Do you read these and think through what you are going to respond, then you are well prepared to meet the challenges that may come.

Questions About Education:

1. Why did you choose that particular education?
2. Why did you choose the school you went to?
3. How did you transition from upper secondary to higher education?
4. In what way do you feel that the studies have prepared yourself for employment?
5. If you could put on trial over, what would you have done differently?
6. If you could have changed anything at the school you went to, what would it have been?
7. What subjects did you like best / worst - why?
8. Do you feel that your academic transcripts reflecting study time?
9. How have your studies changed you as a person?
10. What did you to structure your studies your best?

Questions About Your Career:

11. Tell us about the things that have influenced you choice of career?
12. At what point did you choose this career?
13. What goals have you set for your career?
14. What do you feel are important to be successful in this career choice?
15. What quality would you say is your strongest to build a career?
16. Do you think having the qualifications to be successful in your career?
17. Tell us about things that have motivated you to build your career?
18. What risks have you taken to achieve your career goals?
19. Tell me about something that made you doubted whether you've chosen the right career?
20. Tell me about a person who has inspired you to choose this career.

80 Questions You Can Get During The Job Interview
80 Questions You Can Get During The Job Interview

Personal Question:

21. What are your strengths?
22. What are your weaknesses?
23. How would you describe yourself?
24. How will someone who knows you describe yourself?
25. Do you see yourself as targeted?
26. What goals have you set for yourself in life?
27.Hvordan define success, and can you give me an example of someone you know who you think has been successful?
28. What do you see as your greatest achievement in life?
29. What motivates you to perform at your best?
30. What situations do you see as the most difficult?
31. How do you handle a conflict?
32. How do you deal with being subject to authority?
33. Have you ever been in conflict with a parent, how did you in case this situation?
34. How do you handle stress and pressure?
35. Tell me about a stressful situation, and how you stepped forward to solve the best possible?
36. Tell me about a problem you've had and how you solved it?
37. Do you see yourself as a leader type?
38. What is the toughest challenge you've faced so far?
39. If you could change something about yourself, what would it have been?
40. How well do you handle getting criticism?
41. Tell us about an experience in your life where you feel that it did not go as it should, what did you learn from this?
42. Describe a situation where you entered a successful compromise?
43. How good are you listening?
44. Tell me about a situation where you failed to listen and the outcome was fatal?
45. How well would you say you are to motivate others to work?
46. ​​Give an example of how you succeeded in motivating others?
47. What is the biggest mistake you ever made?
48. Do you see yourself as a competitor?
49. How do you deal with getting your performance measured?
50. Tell me about a situation where your credibility was put to the test.

Questions About The Workplace:

51. Why did you choose to apply for this job?
52. To what extent do you think you will need training to work with us?
53. Where do you see yourself in five years?
54. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
55. How do you see it travel a lot for business?
56. Would you have moved residence to get this job?
57. What do you know about this job?
58. What do you see as the biggest challenge at this position?
59. What suggestions do you have for improvements in this workplace?
60. Tell me about a person you think it was difficult to work with, and what did they make difficult?
61. Tell us about what you are doing to work with someone you dislike the job?
62. How would you have handled the feeling of being frowned at work?
63. What qualities do you have that will make you successful in this position?
64. What is most important mean, efficiency or creativity?
65. Tell us about experiences you have that makes you qualified for the job?
66. How meet an important task?
67. Tell me about a previous job situation where you showed good judgment?
68. Give an example of a situation where you showed good presentation ability in front of a larger audience
69. Do you best to work alone or in teams?
70. How well would you say you work in teams?
71. Tell me about a challenge in the workplace that can not handle?
72. Tell us about an idea or suggestion that you put forward that was used and was a success?
73. Tell me about a situation where you had to do several things at once - what was the result?
74. Tell me about a previous work situation where you had a dissatisfied customer, how did you handle this situation and what was the outcome?
75. Tell me about a time you failed to comply with a deadline? What was the outcome for you and for those who made the deadline?
76. Give an example of a situation where your poor judgment gave negative results?
77. Name three things that are important to you at this job?
78. What is important to you wages or job?
79. What salary do you expect from this job?
80. Why should we hire you over other qualified applicants?
Are You Smart Enough To Work For Google?

Are You Smart Enough To Work For Google?

Why are manhole covers round? How do you weigh your own head? This can be asked during a job interview at Google.

Author William Poundstone stands behind the book "" Are you smart enough to work at Google? ", Where he discusses various interview methods used in job interviews with several of the world's leading companies.

For example if you dream of a job in Google you should prepare to answer questions such as:

"How much toilet paper you would need to cover Texas?", "How many vacuum cleaners are made every year?", "Swim faster in water or syrup?" Or "How would you proceed to weigh your own head?" .

Important to think creatively:

According to the author, it is not always the answer which is most important, and often there are not any right or wrong answers. Poundstone tells ABC News that the HR departments are terrified of hiring the wrong people to key positions, and that they therefore have adopted techniques that reveal candidates' ability r to resonate and think creatively about such issues.

The most important thing is to ask follow-up questions to show that you understand the question. The company applying for a job at looking to figure out how to think and reason your way to the answer being given, he said.

Whatever the issue is, you can request that it be specified in detail, he writes, and comes with an example:

When you say swimming in syrup, you mean a particular type, such as maple syrup, or simply a liquid that is thicker than water?

Are You Smart Enough To Work For Google?
Are You Smart Enough To Work For Google?

Poundstone explains that there is no absolute proof that this type of question gives no real indication on what they look for, but there is plenty of documentation (including a Harvard study) showing that most hiring decisions have more to do with an applicant's appearance or language than they have to do with his or her intellect.

Here are some more examples of questions that are often used:

  1. Why are manhole covers round?
  2. How many piano tuners are there in the world?
  3. You are shrunk to the size of a coin and gets thrown in a blender. The leaves begin to spin about 60 seconds.What are you doing?
  4. How much you would have had to pay to wash all the windows in Seattle?
  5. By only using a four-minute hourglass and a seven-minute hourglass, how would you measured exactly nine minutes, without spending more than nine minutes on the task?
  6. How would you put an evacuation plan for San Francisco?
  7. What is the next number in this pattern? 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66.
  8. A man pushed his car to a (hotel) and lost his fortune. What happened?
  9. How many times a day overlaps the hands on a clock?
Getting The Most Out Of Career Jobs Fairs

Getting The Most Out Of Career Jobs Fairs

Use career fair to obtain a job, not only information and free effects.

Career Fairs held in Our Country for you to get an insight into the working life that awaits you. Then we have to be well prepared so you can get answers to questions you may have.

Campuses across the country organizes several times a year career days where students and employers can meet for an informal chat about the past and future. Are you smart, however, you have an opportunity to use this opportunity to associate good contacts and obtain valuable information.

Here are some great tips on how to make the most of career fairs.


  • Think through how you want to appear for an employer who does not know you. How can you illuminate yourself in the best possible way?
  • Make sure you know your resume well, and think about how to present it orally.
  • Print happy with a couple of copies of your resume that you can give to prospective employers.
  • Do your research on the companies in advance. Often, career days own website stating which companies will participate, and links to websites where you can find more information about them.
  • Prepare questions on the basis of Research you are doing. Remember that asking good questions shows that you have concrete interest in the company.

On career day:

  • Be yourself and do not try to convince the employer that you are nothing more or less than others.
  • Think about how you introduce yourself. Be polite but engaged, and be sure to have a handshake with confidence in.
  • Ask questions to companies, and if you get the opportunity tell the most relevant about yourself to the employer.
  • Try to get an idea of ​​what types of candidates now have hired from your field of study in recent years and why just these candidates got the job. They give good examples and concrete possible paths to employment.
  • Inquire about the possibilities to follow up now in retrospect. Perhaps the person who stands on condition a business card or other business information that can be useful for you later.
  • Are you not graduating this year, it might be possible to write degree thesis for now. Please inquire about the possibility.
  • Also ask if the company hires students for part-time jobs, summer jobs and the company has internship schemes (internships for students). 

Getting The Most Out Of Career Jobs Fairs
Getting The Most Out Of Career Jobs Fairs

After career day:

  • Use the information you received from your employer able to follow up now. Often refer to corporate entities to follow up vacancy announcements and find more information. Keep up to date there! Some employers use channels twitter and Facebook to inform potential applicants about recruitment activities. Sign up these groups.

  • Whether to submit an application, view the call from career day. Then you've already got yourself an edge over other applicants in that you have actually made contact with the company and shown interest earlier. And if you are lucky, it is precisely the one you talked to on career day interviewing you if you get there. And there is no disadvantage.

  • Take some time to review your skills and your wishes for the future and see how this matches with what you have received information on career day. Marketers often talk about a SWOT analysis of a product for instance. Whether in this context is a product that the employer shall "buy": What are your opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats. Concretization and work with these things leading up to a possible job interview or during the years of study, as set even stronger.
To Succeed You With Video Interview

To Succeed You With Video Interview

Anna (26) received a coveted job after being interviewed via Skype. Read her and experts' tips on how to proceed.

It is no longer a problem to hire people across national borders. Anna (26) was interviewed for a position in Portugal via Skype - and got the job.

That was easier than talking on the phone and better than to be interviewed personally. It was somehow just right close.

Anna Rühl studying linguistics and to begin a doctorate in autumn. While she wrote thesis, she sought a job as a language expert in Microsoft, based in Portugal. Because of the distance to the job interview take place via Skype.

More and more companies are using video calls to communicate with people worldwide. This also applies to employers to hire new employees.

For Rühl was video interviewed both positively and negatively, but most of all it was unfamiliar.

The situation was actually very relaxed, I was just a little nervous that something inappropriate was going to be visible in the background since everything was visible on camera, she laughs.

The biggest challenge for the students was the annoyance of constantly see themselves as she spoke.

But eventually I learned to turn it into something positive. Man has the ability to correct itself if one recognizes that one looks a little uninformed or tired out - hence this method can actually have a good effect, says the former student.

Want technological insight:

The Norwegian School in Malaga using video calls in a job interview. General manager at primary school, Henning Nordby, says that they get 3-400 applicants for each vacant teaching post as advertised, and that they do not have the capacity to fly in all they want to interview.

We select around 20 people that we conduct a Skype interview with, and then calls the appropriate candidates for a personal interview, he explains.

Although the distance is the main reason why the school makes it the digital way, there are positive aspects of this form of communication with jobseekers, believes the employer.

As in many other professions, we want workers with some knowledge of PC and digital learning. This makes it easier to form an impression of applicants' proficiency in the digital area.

Nordby is no doubt that the personal interview is the best way to get the impression of a man on, but when this is not possible he finds video calls is a very good option.

Skype works much better than telephone interviews, then you get the personal touches that a picture via web camera provides. It's not hard to get a feel for a person via a video call.

Got the job:

Annas tips for the video interview:

✔ Familiarize yourself with the software and formalities for video calls in advance.

✔ Observe yourself while you speak.

✔ Remember that outfit and body language is visible.

✔ Show confidence and assertiveness.

✔Gi of yourself as a person.

Nordby's view is that many jobseekers find this form of interview more challenging than a phone call because you become much more aware of themselves. You also have to like a regular interview ponder attire, body language and demeanor.

But the advantage for applicants is that the threshold is lower to be invited for a Skype interview which can lead to employment than the one located in the stack of 10 to 20 applicants to be elected.

The former language student Anna agrees that the threshold is lower and think it is good that more people have the opportunity to show more of themselves than what appears in an application. She also felt that it was safer to be interviewed via web camera than even having to face up to the conversation.

I dreaded a little, but nowhere near what I would have done had there been a "real" interview. I felt safer and less observed.

Anna was later offered the job at Microsoft and can therefore confirm that this way of communicating with an employer on worked well for her.

To Succeed You With Video Interview
To Succeed You With Video Interview

Not for everyone:

Doctoral Student at BI and researcher on social media, Lene Pettersen still think this way of being interviewed suit everyone.

It takes the form of a certain technical understanding, and it is not everyone possess. In the occupations where this is not an assumption, it is a pity for those concerned - they do not get shown in the same way as those who are comfortable with the use of web cameras and internet call.

She talks about challenges in that line could be broken, the camera stops working and similar problems may seem stressful on a person who does not know how this should be tackled.

When will an already fraught situation get even worse, and a person with no technical knowledge will most likely give a worse impression than a more knowledgeable person.

In a survey Pettersen helped draft, it appeared that surprisingly few Norwegians have knowledge of or use video calls to communicate. She therefore believe Norwegian job applicants for positions abroad will have greater challenges than applicants from countries where this is more prevalent.

Do not misunderstand me, free video calling is in my opinion a great form of communication, especially in a situation where the connector goes across borders, but I think Norwegians need more knowledge about this before it becomes commonplace in this country.

10 tips for a successful video interview:

✔ What you need: A computer with webcam, microphone and software that can convey video call: (For example, Skype, Google Chat, MSN).

✔ Remember that this is a REAL interview! Do not be fooled into thinking that the usual tips for job interview is not necessary since the interview will be done online. Although this is not in principle the same as a no-show interview, hiring managers still candidates who they perceive is best qualified for the job.

✔Forberede well for the interview as a regular job interview. Call the company or ask recruiter what is proper attire for the interview, so it fits with the company's culture.

✔Test the machine and the software prior to the interview. If possible, use an Ethernet cable and plug it directly into the computer for Internet access. WI-FI (wireless network) can sometimes experience interference and an Ethernet solution is therefore more stable.

✔Test conversation with a friend, so that small details can fine-tuned; for example the distance between you and the screen level.

✔Controller that there is plenty of lighting in the room, so that the employer sees your face clearly. Remove unnecessary  (such as a red umbrella or green coat hanging in the background), but that's okay with non-disruptive objects such as a watch or a table - things that have a natural place in the room.

✔Sure your computer is placed so that the webcam is on eye-level, so that the employer sees you and you see the employer.

✔Log in early! As an ordinary job interview, it makes a good impression to be in place before it is expected. Login 10-15 minutes before the interview. If the employer is already online, it may count positive that you are in place early.

✔Very professional, polite and present - but be yourself! Try to avoid to show that you are particularly nervous or stressed in the same way as if you were sitting in the same room as their employer. Relax - it's just an interview.

✔Eye contact with the interviewer (looking into the camera) while you are talking - and by all means avoid just on your own screen. Eye contact is very positive and will give the impression of interest in which is an important selling points at all interviews.
How Do You Feel Recruitment Dinner

How Do You Feel Recruitment Dinner

A recruitment dinner in practice an interview combined with a restaurant visit. It is important to follow certain guidelines in order to present themselves in the best possible way.

When to recruiting dinner stakes are high, competition is fierce and your opportunities to impress your potential employer is served on a silver platter. Bring these councils and make sure you get the job you deserve.

Eat what you get served:

Whether food is half cooked, småsvidd or otherwise not absolutely perfect, you should still eat what you are served. If you are perceived as being a fussy eater, perhaps Human suppose you can be picky in other fields such as at work, team participants or workload job requires. During recruitment dinner you do not want to be perceived as inflexible or unwilling to "follow the group" if necessary.

You get served the wrong dish:

Give the waiter a hint, but do it discreetly. Although many believe that this is an excellent opportunity to show that you are a man of action (or woman) then do it in style and show respect. Eye contact and a nod with his head toward the waitress does the job.

How Do You Feel Recruitment Dinner
How Do You Feel Recruitment Dinner

Follow the host when you order Drink:

Display your hand when you squeeze lime boat over gin tonic'en. Drink beer from a glass, not the bottle. When it's time to move to the dinner table, let cocktail stand again at the bar. When you have come into place around the dinner table, drink the same as the host beverages to court. Avoid empty wineglass completely during dinner and avoid filling in your glass yourself, let the waiter do it.

Remember table manners:

Do not use the bread to sweep up the last remnants of the plate. Yes, it tastes good and you are probably one of the best restaurants, but try to stay away from the worst bad habits. And when you book, try to avoid ordering soup, spaghetti, lobster, ribs or other dishes that could lead to an unfortunate appearance.
Personality Tests The Job Interview

Personality Tests The Job Interview

Personality tests can not impress over polished shoes or a long CV. It is difficult to prepare, but certain precautions may be wise to remember.

More and more employers make use of psychological tests in relation to the recruitment of candidates for positions. The intention behind the testing is to find out about your personality profile matches the position and perhaps also into the workplace's culture.

Man tries to map out the candidate's abilities that may not come equally well demonstrated by CV, application and actual interview. How might increase the chances of finding the most suitable candidate in a pile of applications, says Ole Iversen, Professor of Management and Head of the Certification Council for test use in Norway.

Frivolous tests:

If you select that you prefer to go hiking alone in the woods rather than going out on the town with friends, it says something about your level of extroversion. If you like both, you're probably somewhere in between the extremes of introversion and utdanvendhet explains Iversen.

He believes that in principle it is not possible to cheat on a personality test, but it depends very much on how the test is structured.

If you know exactly what your company is looking for and notify you after the job description or terms used there, might it turn out the test. But it comes as said depends on what kind of test it is.

Iversen is also a professor at BI and has researched the use of personality testing. He has recorded the intensification of the number of tests in use. But not everyone is as serious in your choice of test type, and he is concerned that many uses of questionable tests.

We see that there are many who use bad tests that can hold no professional standards when they test at work. In the last round it goes even beyond the employer if this attribute test of great significance, but it is also stupid for applicants who risk ending up with a crazy personality profile as a result, says Ole Iversen.

Personality Tests The Job Interview
Personality Tests The Job Interview

An employer can not require you offshoot test when you meet for an interview, but it may not give a good impression to refuse. However, you should get feedback on the results and a chance to comment on this.

It is important that those tests treat the interviewee well, which also means providing competent opportunity to say whether he or she recognize the test result. Employers must also make it clear what the test will be used for, nor use data on subsequent occasions, says Iversen.

Prohibited questions:

Inspectorate has little to say on test usage in itself, but is concerned about employers' widespread curiosity.

Test Use is fine in itself, as long as the data here is used to what they are supposed to be used. And of course with the candidate's consent. Certain questions must however be wary, and there are questions that go to pregnancy, disease and repute. Bodies that are not entitled to see the police in connection with employment, can not ask for this, said information officer in Inspectorate, Ove Skåra.

Examples of employers inappropriate question is "Have you ever been suspected of criminal activity?".

If, for example, has been suspected, but not convicted, the answer is wrong anyway. But such issues should not occur, and if someone were to come off like that, is the Data Inspectorate standing recommendation to report it here, says Skåra.

Access to consciousness:

If you come out as a psychopath, but is still well-liked in the neighborhood, it is the test there is something wrong with, or is all around you just polite? Philosopher Øistein Schmidt Galåen has written doctoral dissertation in philosophy and neuroscience has researched consciousness with brain researchers.

It is clear that there are challenges associated with finding reliable tests, not to mention the "ecological validity", or how well tests measure the mental in the real world outside controlled laboratory settings. Usefulness in the workplace, I would still not comment bombastic about, and I'm open to that personality tests can be a valuable complement to traditional ways of assessing job applicants,
This Is The Perfect Length For A Good Answer In Job Interview

This Is The Perfect Length For A Good Answer In Job Interview

An answer is not just about the content of what you say - it must also be communicated properly. Recruiting expert explains why the length of your answers are so important in the job interview.

There are lots of advice on what to answer various job interview questions, but it is equally important to know how long your answers should be. In any case, if one is to believe HR manager Kris Dunn of the US recruitment company Kinetix.

In a post on Talent Space Blog he argues that the length of your responses to the job interview can be crucial to whether you get the job or not.

You speak little and give short answers, appears you namely that introvert. Do you talk too much and provides for long answers, the interviewer will perceive you as someone who is tiresome to associate. And sociability is actually a very important part of the job interview. That you have the qualifications needed for the job is already confirmed as you got the offer of a job interview.

This Is The Perfect Length For A Good Answer In Job Interview
This Is The Perfect Length For A Good Answer In Job Interview

Dunn argues that two minutes is the perfect length for any answers during the interview. When the interviewer will feel natural to come with some follow-up questions, which will make them feel like a skilled interviewer. If you get one or two follow-up questions you know you adequately respond much. Zero or five follow-up questions are not so sanguine.

The only exception from the two-minute rule is if you are asked to tell about your background and draw out the best from CV. Then you should use three to five minutes to summarize the "highlights" of your career, then finish the answer with the mandatory summaries of personal interests, volunteer work and other advantageous aspects of yourself, enter Dunn.

If the interviewer is the type to talk 90 percent of the time, then he or she do so. This will allow them retrospectively namely think that the interview went brilliant.

It's natural to be nervous for an interview for a job you really want. But please note that nervousness does not appear through scribbling disjointed and talk so much that you reek of "quantity over quality".
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